Centre National d'Entrainement de Tennis
    Roland-Garros, Boulevard Murat, Paris 16ème
    Fédération Française de Tennis
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie
    2011 – 2015
    10 500 m² Equipement comprenant 7 courts couverts et 4 courts extérieurs, 1 centre médical, des bureaux et hébergement
  • COST
    20 M€
    Double certification NF HQE : Tertiaire et équipements sportifs
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The new National Training Center should express the attention to the performance of elite athletes. Everything is being done here to ensure that their accommodation, preparation, and training are provided under the best possible conditions. The generosity of the spaces, their organization around the garden, the arrangement of the buildings, and the dialogue they establish with the city are the prerequisites for this focus on elite athletes.

We wanted to enhance these conditions of the project by adding another performance : the environmental focus of the building. It is based on two main aspects: the relationship between structure and light, and the environmental considerations related to the energy efficiency of the building.

The constructed expression of the building serves as evidence, both in terms of the quality of its facade and the form of its roof, engaging in an ongoing dialogue between structure and light filters. The goal here is to incorporate natural light at the core of the project while maintaining independence from direct sunlight fluctuations. The National Training Center of Roland-Garros, through its urban organization, demonstrates a thoughtful relationship with its built and vegetal environment.