Centre aquatique du Porzou
    Communauté de Communes de Concarneau Cornouaille
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie, CD2I, Gamba
    2010 – 2014
    3 320m² Bassin sportif 375 m² Bassin loisirs 187 m²
  • COST
    8,1 M€
    RT 2012
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The Porzou Aquatic Center is located in the Kersaux cove. Everything is designed here to connect the calm water of the pools and the movement of the sea.

The pool area is a unitary space ordered by the large roof structure. The roof is conceived here as a "comfort tool."

The large glass roof at the heart of the shell filters the light and guides the space, making the pool area come alive with the changing lights and seasons. The large shell is designed like a large chandelier, an inverted nave illuminating the hall day and night. The variable shape of this curved roof is also intended to nhance the acoustic comfort of the pool area.

The grand hall is composed of pools with distinct purposes grouped under a common roof. To do this, we considered the hall as a combination of places for sports, recreation and water fun.

Therefore, this equipment is a unified building shaped by the geography, slipped into the topography to offer the landscape of the shared bay.