Vinci HQ and Eole Station
    Vinci & SNCF Réseau
    Viguier, Architecte mandataire, Marc Mimram Architecture & Associés, Architecte associé (bâtiment A et gare EOLE), Arcora, CSD Faces, Artelia, AE75
    2016 – 2021
    74 000 m² de bureaux – 1500 m² de commerces
  • COST
    230 M€
    Certification HQE Exceptionnel - Certification BREEAM Excellent - Démarche C2C - Label Bâtiment biosourcé, niveau 1 (Bât. B2) - Label Effinergie - Label E+C-, niveau E2C1- OsmoZ – R2S (bât.D)
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The project for Vinci HQ in Nanterre, developed in partnership with Viguier Architecture, is not just a tertiary project. It involves reclaiming infrastructure, building on what is already there and intensifying the urban environment by incorporating a range of scales and components. It also features programmatic mixed use and interlocking workspaces, including common areas for all of the group’s staff as well as an underground station. 

Here, the city’s functions are stacked on top of one another, freeing themselves from constraints and recreating land on the fringes of railway infrastructure and jutting out over it. The concrete-and-steel structure developed to meet these aims connects the upper section (Vinci HQ) to the lower section (the station). The two programmes are thus interwoven and interdependent: one can’t exist without the other, and the former serves the latter. The development is anchored in the city in a variety of different ways and Vinci HQ embraces all the scales of the metropolitan area, addressing the way the Metro system relates to the surface and the way the geography of Greater Paris relates to the sky.