Sports complex of Les Ulis
    Les Ulis
    Ville des Ulis
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie, CD2i, SSicoor, Peutz & Associés, Franck Neau
    2004 – 2007
    4 000 m² Bassin sportif 512 m² Bassin loisirs 245 m²
  • COST
    7,8 M€
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The swimming pool of Les Ulis is open to sports, movement, the pleasures of the body, and the tension of muscles.

The structure of the building is organized between the expression of forces and the path of light, between the course of the sun and gravitational pathways.

The roof is composed of large sheets, palm leaves carried by a central ridge. This ridge lifts the two wings covering the recreational and sports pools, distinguishing them under a single volume. This beam is a mixed structure of steel and wood, with its upper part tracing the movement of the roof in the curvature of its double curves. The skillful strength of the main structure is associated with the delicacy of the segmentation against the sky and the variations in the folds under the light.

The movements offered to the gaze of swimmers and the attention of pedestrians inscribe the building into the green landscape of the gardens and the urban park. The Ulis swimming pool is a welcoming space, open to a broad audience seeking the pleasures of water.