Pôle aquatique
    Communauté d'Agglomération de Mantes-la-Ville
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie, CD2I, ABC Decibel
    2010 – 2015
    3 500 m² Bassin sportif 525 m² Bassin loisirs 250 m²
  • COST
    9,5 M €
    RT 2012
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The new swimming pool at Mantes-la-Ville forms part of the urban development and landscaping scheme around the station. The urban character of the swimming pool is an important condition of its architectural development. The aim was to provide a water sports facility preserving the need for an element of privacy, without impinging on the pleasure derived from the play of light on the water.

The pool opens out onto the surrounding gardens, its entrance being completely transparent. The roof of the pool is conceived as something providing comfort. It forms a delicate canopy allowing swimmers to appreciate the seasons’ changing light and casting reflections of rippling water and light on the façades of the neighboring buildings. The wide glass walls running between the main beams allow the light to filter through, giving form to the space and setting up vibrations throughout the pool area reflecting the rhythm of the light. The varying shape of this curved roof means that the pool areas have a quiet acoustic without unpleasant echoes. 

Opening towards the south, the complex is flooded with light. The design of the roof further contributes to the effects of light, being constructed so as to capture the warm and reddish evening light from the west as it falls on the curving roof without dazzling the swimmers. It is a place that enhances the pleasure of water beneath a broad expanse of sky, bringing together the pleasures of the site, the landscape, and of the emerging town.