Sport and entertainment hall
    Rue Charles Lamarre, 62480 Le Portel
    Région Haut-de-France
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie, SNC Lavallin, Peutz & Associés
    2010 – 2015
    7 600 m² Équipement multifonctionnel. Locaux adaptables et polyvalents en fonction de l’utilisation de la salle. Configuration compétition : 3500 places - Configuration spectacle : 4718 places dont 2250 places dans la fosse.
  • COST
    13 M€
    RT 2012
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The sport and entertainment hall blends with its surroundings and takes advantage of the beautiful topography open to the sea.

Three registers shaped this project:

-Sports performance in a direct and friendly relationship with spectators ;

-Attention to the spectators' path between the wooden facade and the continuous openings onto the landscape of the “Falaise” [eng. Cliff] park and the port ;

-The inclusion in the geography of “the Falaise” park of an infrastructure open to the city and constituting a public realm that shapes the relationship with the landscape.

The sports and entertainment hall has its origins in the study of the geography that welcomes it. Above the plant base which extends from the “Falaise” Park, it is the unity of the facade and the roofing that is indicated by the large curved strip of the wooden facade above the foliage of the trees. This landscape is of major importance: it gives scale, anchoring, and installs the architectural quality of the project in its green setting.

The building is much open to the city, to the landscape of the port, as it is to sports and entertainment. The consistency found between the sports performance, the atmosphere of the hall, its image on the city, and the constructive quality are the guarantees of its sustainability.