Marc Mimram Architecture & Associés and Marc Mimram Ingénierie undertake a wide range of architecture and engineering projects in Europe and beyond. The firm tackles all kinds of emblematic projects: bridges, infrastructures, offices and housing, cultural and educational facilities and sports facilities.

The firm’s designs have attracted much praise and won many awards including the Équerre d’Argent for the Solférino footbridge and Simonne-Mathieu tennis court and the Aga-Kahn Prize for the Hassan II Bridge in Rabat.

Established in 1992, the firm is located in the 11th arrondissement of Paris in converted workshops. In 2016, the architects and project managers Guillaume André and Martin Fougeras Lavergnolle went into partnership with Marc Mimram to ensure the continuity and growth of the practice. In 2021, Jacques Durst took over the bridge design unit, alongside Marc Mimram and his partners.

The team, made up of architects and engineers, is especially skilled at designing complex structures and envelopes whose development relies on mastery of both complementary disciplines. Whether it be for buildings, bridges or roofs, our structural work is designed to be both liberating and bold, providing optimum user comfort and helping to shape the identity of the city.

What sets the firm apart is thus its twofold expertise: that of architectural design that tells a story and conveys intentions relating to use, form and materials; and that of engineering and construction, where mastery of complex technical subjects is required. Here, the two come together to form a single approach, a single attitude serving each project.

Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie is committed to an environment-friendly approach based on calculations supplied by the engineering department and detailed research on the use and optimisation of resources. We explore how materials can be used together and complement one another, with frugality as a founding principle.

The way Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie selects materials and designs spaces is intended to produce architecture that is sustainable, robust and reversible. The firm’s research into architecture and construction entails seeking optimal structures and developing prefabricated components and high-performance, fit-for-purpose envelopes that take full account of orientations, modes of use and climate conditions.

More generally, economy of materials and means, a reasoned approach to carbon footprints, intensifying modes of occupation and promoting mixed use, density and intensity are fundamental to any intervention affecting the city and the landscape. This is how we can “build the city on itself”, help to tame the urban landscape, and provide caring solutions for urban living.

Typology Project Location Date
Métro ! Le Grand Paris en mouvement – Publications Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine – Paris, France 2023
Exposition de l’Afex – L’Architecture Française dans le monde Publications Jardin du Palais Royal – Paris 2023
Esch-sur-Alzette / Brückenbau, Construction & Engineering Prix 2023
Technoscape. L'architettura Publications Maxxi – Rome, Italie 2022
Complexe sportif de Meudon, Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie Publications Multi-sports facility Archibooks + Sautereau éditeur – Paris, France 2022
Biennale d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Séoul - Crossroads, building a resilient city Publications Séoul, Corée du Sud 2021
UCPA Sport Station I Grand Reims, Une nouvelle destination urbaine, Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie Publications Archibooks + Sautereau éditeur – Paris, France 2021
Équerre d’argent 2019 – Prix spécial du jury pour le court Simonne-Mathieu à Roland-Garros Prix Court Simonne-Mathieu, Roland-Garros 2019
Marc Mimram Structure | Light Through the Lens of Erieta Attali Publications Hatje Cantz - Berlin, Allemagne 2019
Prix Montpellier South of France Station 2019
European Steel Design Awards Prix Court Simonne-Mathieu, Roland-Garros 2019
Badischer Architektur Preis Prix Two-Banks Footbridge 2019
Trophées Eiffel – catégorie Franchir Prix Marcelle Henry Footbridge, ZAC Clichy Batignolles 2019
Prix Versailles – Gares et station – mention intérieur Prix Montpellier South of France Station 2019
ArchiDesignClub Awards Prix Montpellier South of France Station 2019
L’Art du chantier. Construire et démolir du 16e au 21e siècle Publications Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine – Paris, France 2018
ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards pour la couverture Prix Montpellier South of France Station 2018
Prix du Tekla Bim Awards Prix Court Simonne-Mathieu, Roland-Garros 2018
Prix Europe de l'Académie Rhénane Prix Two-Banks Footbridge 2017
Marc Mimram, Architecture & Structure Publications Editions Prestel - Munich, Allemagne 2015
Trophée Eiffel d’Architecture Acier Prix Strasbourg Nationale School of Architecture 2015
ArchiDesignClub Awards Prix Strasbourg Nationale School of Architecture 2015
Gold Cup Demonstration Award by the China Municipal Engineering Association Prix Zhong Sheng Da Dao Bridge 2014
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg Publications Strasbourg Nationale School of Architecture Editions Archibooks - Collection L’Esprit du Lieu – Paris, France 2013
Prix d’Architecture Aga Khan Prix Hassan II Bridge 2013
Un toit urbain dans l’horizon paysager, Le pont Hassan II entre Rabat et Salé dans la Vallée du Bouregreg, Publications Hassan II Bridge Editions Archibooks – Paris, France 2012
Un balcon sur la Loire, Le pont Léopold Sédar Senghor à Nantes, Publications Editions Archibooks – Paris, France 2010
Architettura Ibrida, Marc Mimram Publications Editions Electa Architettura – Italie 2009
Habiter les ponts Publications Edition Lafarge — Lyon, France 2008
Prix spécial du Syndicat de la Construction Métallique de France Prix Pailleron Swimming pool and ice skating rink 2006
Prix Renault Traffic Design Award Prix Two-Banks Footbridge 2005
Km 292.950 Publications Two-Banks Footbridge Editions Ante Prima – Paris, France 2004
Prix du Syndicat de la Construction Métallique de France : Catégorie “Ouvrages d’art “ Prix Figeac Footbridge 2004
Prix 2002
Marc Mimram Publications Solférino Footbridge Editions Birkhauser – Suisse 2001
Prix spécial du Syndicat de la Construction Métallique de France Prix EDF high-voltage pylons 2000
Prix Européen de la Construction Métallique Prix Viaduct and "Coteaux-Beauclair" aerial station 1999
Prix d’Architecture du Moniteur : Équerre d’argent Prix Solférino Footbridge 1999
Prix de l’APK : Association pour la promotion de l’enseignement et de la construction de l’acier Prix 1996
1995 Prix d’Architecture du Moniteur : Mention spéciale Équerre d’Argent pour la Gare de Péage des Éprunes sur l’autoroute A5 Prix 1995
Prix de l’Académie d’Architecture : Médaille d’argent de la recherche et de la technique Prix 1994