Passerelle de la Coulée Verte
    Créteil / Valenton
    Syndicat mixte d'étude et de réalisation de la Coulée Verte de l'interconnexion des TGV
    Marc Mimram Architecture et Ingénierie
    2010 – 2015
    Ouvrage de franchissement pour les piétons, pmr et cycles. Longueur totale de 270 mètres - Largeur de 5,4 mètres
  • COST
    4,5 M €
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Since: “infrastructure refers to all fixed installations made available to users”, the goal here is to build a new type of infrastructure: one that is attentive to the landscape in which it is located, offered to users and and integrated into the territorial unity of the Coulée Verte.

The footbridge between Créteil and Valenton is anchored in this place, in the curve of its route, in the arrangement of the supports which are authorized. It is a specific bridge in which the large curve of the structure defines the formal as well as structural unity.

The lateral spans of the torsion crossing are provided by tensioned beams with a span of 33 meters. Thus, from the Coulée Verte to the eastern support, it presents the appearance of a continuous ribbon, one that can be seen passing above and below the deck to protect pedestrians within the structure at the main crossing points.

The structure is developed from a system of arcs and continuous ties rods made from welded reconstituted beams.

The structure is read between the softness of the continuous curves and the tension of the thin deck which slides continuously from one side to the other. The unity of the major curve of the route in plan is ensured thanks to the unity of the superstructure which varies according to the path of the efforts of the promenade, of the two main crossings above the roadways.